Genre: Animation, Documentary
Mandskab: Tino Schwanemann (Visual Development), Tino Schwanemann (Music), Tino Schwanemann (Director), Stefanie Paul (Art Direction), Tino Schwanemann (Editor), Tino Schwanemann (Director of Photography)
Kørsel: 2 minutter
Kvalitet: HD
Udgivet: Jan 31, 2009
IMDb: 1
nøgleord:new york city, homeless person, usa president, government, the white house, misery, capitalism, political party, politics, political activism, totalitarian regime, market economy, pentagon, american dream, senator, ideology, american way of life, civil rights, political instability, begging, politician, beggar, idealism, citizens' action committee, world trade organisation, parliament, teacher, oval office, american, united nations, democracy, global politics