
Nuvvila is the story that revolves around three guys and girls on same age. We will get introduced to three characters and three girls with having their respective problems. Anand (Ajay) who is a graduate thinks about doing job or to continue studies further. In this dilemma, he will be idle for one year and mean while, he falls for his neighbor archana (yami). Everything goes well for him until he came to know that archana is in love with a cricketer Vishnu. And the next guy Mahesh (Hayish) dream of becoming an aspiring model. He faces several problems in his way to accomplish his dream. Coming to the third character Raja (Prasad) is a guy who wants to become a musician. He always thinks his classmate Rani as sign of bad luck for him. But to the funny, he marries that girl in an unavoidable situation. Whether these three guys achieved their dreams forms the final crux….

Genre: , ,

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Language: తెలుగు


Runtime: 150 minutes

Quality: HD

Released: Nov 03, 2011

IMDb: 5
