97 觀看次數


"主角们是一群在核战爆发后仍然幸存的核弹基地工作人员,虽然他们的基地很幸运的没被攻击,但对外的联络也断绝了,认为生还无望的指挥官因而意志消沉终日藉酒消愁,身为副手的男主角金麦可文生只好取而代之成为众人的意见领袖,但是一直在基地守到老死不是办法,于是众人拖着意兴阑珊的指挥官,驾驶12轮水陆装甲车Landmaster,准备横跨充满危机的北美大陆,寻找幸存的文明与栖身之地。沿途遇上辐射突变的大蝎子、会追着人死咬的大蟑螂、还有无ZF状态下四处流窜掠夺其他倖存者的武装盗匪,甚至,最后还遇上了避无可避的大海啸... A small group of survivors at a military installation who survived World War 3 attempt to drive across the desolate wasteland to where they hope more survivors are living. Hopefully their specially built vehicles will protect them against the freakish weather mutated plant and animal life and other dangers along the way."

运行时间: 91 分钟

質量: HD

发布日期: Sep 10, 1977

IMDb: 5.9